I wonder if there's indeed pure 漢族人 exists [?族人 is the highest class race in China] http://tieba.baidu.com/f?z=304903010&ct=335544320&l 燒烤m=0&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=%D6%D0%BB%AA%CE%C4%C3%F7 找房子&pn=60 I wonder if there's indeed pure 漢族人 exists, even there's indeed pure 漢 買屋族人 exists, that pure 漢族人 must in N.Korea instead in Mainland China HongKong Taiwan or 0verseas. Because 住商房屋 the real First Class good citizen must not ever want to leave his first place, and first class good people would not fall in 酒店工作 love with any other race, would not have sex with any woman not even his own spouse if he not indeed falling in love with her. Therefore, most likely Ch 票貼inese already have no 漢 族人 now but melting together like "Duck.融.Look" - "1.Die.Boot.Rule.1.Die". That how man must have to rely on his good sex sense t 烤肉o find his only true love, because only he rooted with true love to have sex with her, then he can find his pure blood, only the pure love can make love with each other. That may explain how come mo 室內裝潢st Chinese showed seeing lies like daily life need, must because most of them  rooted out of their parents "Chwon.宗.Jay.Die" sex lies, the Chinese may have any good remaining, all because most of them bo 西裝外套rn in the natural way, because of most Chinese doctor not willing to see money above future generation better future hope. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 小額信貸  .

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